The Goddess Door

Divine Hand Knits From Door County, Wisconsin

So, You're In a Pandemic...

The Goddess DoorComment
Greg thinks we need to get out more.

Greg thinks we need to get out more.

No, that isn’t the beginning of a good joke. It’s just the way it is right now. And man, it is a challenge.

People are isolated, working too little, fearing sickness, working too much, spending too much time together, or alone. It is all just really challenging. I feel like the country is in crisis, and some people, as happens with crisis, turn on each other. We cope with too much eating, drinking, sleeping, or other bad habits. We remember to check on each other, and we bemoan the lack of touch and hugs. Some of us get sick, and it isn’t too sick. Some of us die. Some of us try to focus on the positive, and annoy the hell out of everyone.

So, why am I writing? Because, some day, we will know how it all turned out. We will have a vaccine, or effective treatment, and kids will be able to be in school, and parents will be working, and the world will turn. I mean, I think so, anyway.

The world turning

The world turning

Meanwhile, what I am hoping for is doing things that do make it better. Being outside, being with the kids, cooking good food, knitting (yes, I still do that!), and spinning.

I no longer have the vacation rental. A sweet, small family is in there as a long-term rental, and for that I am grateful. I’m working as a Physical Therapist, and continue to find that fulfilling, challenging, and valuable work. The kids spend way too much time at home, alone, and I worry about them. But, they have gotten bored, not always a bad thing! They’ve made themselves projects, and dreams, and goals. I like them. The boys are all right.

I’m getting a divorce. Never thought I’d do that, but it will bring all of us greater peace and stability. It is amicable. Michael is a good person, and wants to stay in the lives of the kids. I certainly am not going to spend a lot of energy in blame, vengeance, and not moving on. I’ve seen that. Recently. And it is not pretty, or entirely sane. Sometimes, the greatest lesson someone can bestow is what not to do, and I hope to learn from that, too.

So, with all this stress and sadness, what to do? Well, I spoke with a good friend who is knowledgeable about spinning, and started working on this:

Gills Rock colorway, shiny like the rocks and water by The Shoreline, and Greg who is pretty enough to pose with the fiber

Gills Rock colorway, shiny like the rocks and water by The Shoreline, and Greg who is pretty enough to pose with the fiber

It’s a gorgeous fiber I bought at our local yarn store, Knit Whits, and it is so lustrous and pretty! I’m not very good at spinning it yet, but I am enjoying the learning. And that is a metaphor for life these days!

So, the world turns, and the wheel spins, and as all this comes to be, we will come out the other side. We will recover, as a whole, and I hope we will learn the things we don’t want to be, and work toward the things we do want to be.

May we remember, and create, and persevere.

Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free
'Tis a gift to come down where I ought to be
And when I am in the place just right
I will be in the valley of love and delight
When true simplicity is gained
To bow and to bend I will not be ashamed
To turn, to turn will be my delight
'Til by turning, turning, I come 'round right.

Turning, turning

Turning, turning